3 Minute Musicals

How do we teach the history of Wales in a fun and embedded way? By creating mini musicals of course!

3 Minute Musicals is an outreach project specifically designed for Key Stage 2, 3 and 4 learners.


This project has a specific focus on enabling a cross curricular approach to the Literacy and Numeracy framework, music and the digital competency framework as well as a commitment to exploring the rich and sometime uncomfortable truths about Wales.

Leeway Productions will up-skill teachers as well as learners and enable a shared language when it comes to nurturing everyone’s creativity in the classroom and lifting historical tales giving them context.


Watch your pupils create their very own 3 Minute Musicals, born from their own ideas and imagination, yet with a very clear and safe template to follow.


We will encourage learners to develop their song writing skills in a safe and fun environment, all the while supporting them with a clear framework of activities to suit every learner.


This project is suitable for all learners, and especially MAT pupils, EAL learners, and supports the Successful Futures strategies.

To discuss bringing 3 Minute Musicals to your school, contact Angharad at leewayprods@gmail.com. This project can be delivered in person or remotely, or a combination of the two.

Thank you for helping, encouraging and teaching us so much about music’ 

Sam yr 6 


‘Thank you Angharad, I have had loads of fun’ 

Katie yr 5 


‘Thank you Angharad, really enjoyed and learned a lot myself Mrs Battenbough  


‘Great project, thanks’

Miss Rodgers

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