Announcing our awesome & fabulous & loverly jubberly creative team for our next Academi project.

A big warm welcome to the creatives who will be leading on ‘Under Your Feet’. Our second project with our Academi based at Theatr Soar, Merthyr Tudful.


Director/Facilitator:   Kira Bissex


Writer:   Ciaran Fitzgerald


Vocal Coach:  Joanne Thomas


Writer: Beth Jones

Thanks to the support of the Ashley Foundation, Moondance,  Margaret Davies Charity, and Theatr Genedlaethol Cymru, Leeway have assembled a team of early career creatives supported by established creatives to bring a few brand new mini musicals to life.


Composer:  Geraint Owen 


Musical Director: Christopher Fossey


Director/Facilitator: Gethin Roberts


Producer: Cathy Boyce

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